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Monday, June 22, 2009

April 15, 2009
Time is like Toothpaste

Time is like toothpaste, or shampoo, or anything else that we use for that matter.
2 things I learned from this analogy:
1) How to be GREENER...because I looove saving the planet haha (no sarcasm intended)
2) How to appreciate time in our life

You buy _________ (insert item, like toothpaste or shampoo). For this story I'll use toothpaste haha. In the beginning it's all fine and dandy when you have LOTS of it! You put a bunch of it on your toothbrush...no worries because there's plenty to go around! Then you reach the end of the tube and start realizing that to save the toothpaste you need to use up only as much as you need. yada yada yada you get the point, right?

Long story short:
1) Be greener, don't take so long in the shower (I have a hard time with this too), turn off the faucet when washing your face or brushing your teeth, don't litter (Biggest pet peeve EVER)
You never know when the world will run out of its supposedly 'infinite renewable resources' so use them sparingly!
2) The bigger lesson...time is like toothpaste. We waste it all when we have lots of it, but then most of us grow up and find that it's all gone in the blink of an eye. Forty years from now we'll look back and wonder where it all went. So treat life like toothpaste, start treasuring it from the moment you get the full tube! haha ya know?

Where did this come from?
I know for a fact that some people hear about me going to the Philippines this summer and wonder, "You're going away to do volunteer work during your last summer of university before graduating?". Simple and plain answer: Why not? Balance is key in life. I wanna someday have a family and be able to tell my kids and grandkids that I worked hard AND played hard...and when I could I contributed to the world a little haha. "Helping others never goes out of style" (From a tshirt I own)

Think about it.

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