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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Now Playing: Jack Johnson - Better Together
"Love is the answer
at least for most of the questions in my heart, like
Why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sorry if this offends anyone, but girls who smoke are GROSS
I've never had a cigarette but I can already tell I wouldn't enjoy it
Sure if you smoke a few every now and then, that's fine.
But if you do it to be cool or do it because you think you need it, you're just DUUUUTTY yo haha
Excuse my language, sometimes I have a form of gangster turrets syndrome haha

Okay let's not be sexist now
Smoking is a turn off no matter what, but for some reason when it's a girl I'm just like...ugh
Holding it in your hand like you're sitting on a patio in Paris or something
C'mooon now, who do you think you are


  1. sigh* i know it's gross but i used to be a chain smoker lol .. i feel so dut! but smh, quiting is like the best decision i ever made!

    i have one once in awhile though
    (you prolly didnt want to know any of this but OH WELL!!!!! :) )

  2. I'm no smoker, but cigarettes are really good. If it didn't make your fingers, clothes, hair stink so much . . . I'd probably be a smoker. LOL. Or maybe not.

    Don't try it. You'll like it. (n)

    "That's DUTTTY YO" << LOL. Soooo Sean Paul.

  3. HAHA karla you're so funny
    yeeeeeah at least you quit! good for youuu!
    and like i said, a few once in awhile is a-okay!

    and kaleen LOL sean paul
    and yes you, danna and geli would be chain smokers!
    that's why i should really stay away from you guys, since you say i'll like it...pshhhh
